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The Impossible Cuckoo Clock



I really love cuckoo clocks. I think they're brilliant, so I made one of my own. If this were a real clock I'm 99% sure it would weigh too much to be mounted on a wall in any normal fashion.

Most of the motifs and designs were based off of real cuckoo clocks, as were the flowers. (I looked up a lot of Dutch motifs because they are really pretty and intricate)

To the right I've included some detail shots, but there were a lot of them. I'm glad I did this picture because I found a cooler way to do fur/hair.

There are some goofy characters hanging about, including a clockwork ghost, an acorn pendulum monster thing, a sasquatch, and some animals just enjoying the scenery.

And if you are wondering where the water for the waterfall/wheel is coming from....

Keep wondering, because I really have no idea.

Tools: Photoshop Cs2 and mouse.

Inspiration: Cuckoo Clocks, a little bit of Crowded Teeth, dutch motif, cool hipster stuff that I cannot afford but want.
Image size
645x765px 405.42 KB
© 2010 - 2024 pronouncedyou
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Aquais94's avatar
That Artwork reminds me of Meomi's Art style.