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prongsie's avatar

HP: Wise Witch



Here's the original version of the Wizard of the Month of March that I made for [link]

Again, old people... dude, this help me a lot for practicing for sure but is a pain in the as$ to do it x_x (of course, I used to draw only young people XD). But here is, Minerva McGonagall with... a very nice face in fact ^^;

I know, the glasses are small, I tried to do the big ones but looked so ugly, let's say she uses the small ones because... err... she wanted to look cool at the photo, yeah! :D

What I think about her? I like this kind of characters, in my mind she isn't SO old, okay 70 years isn't so much in the magical world, come on, there's... magic :P

She look so skinny here... oh bleh, I don't care XD

Harry Potter © JKRowling
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cullyferg2010's avatar
A very young Ms. McGonagall.  And you still didn't mess with her back then either!