Chibi Ember crying (Bloodline Fanart)Promaster20 on DeviantArt

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Chibi Ember crying (Bloodline Fanart)


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I wonder who is the one who makes Ember cry... well it does not matter because she's always sad xD

I really enjoyed making this gift for W0lfmare , I loved his comic (Bloodline: ) and of course I loved Ember, a very nice character :3

That hand... (as expected) is the hand of Sylvshara, who belongs to infinitedge2u, a very sweet character too (although sometimes scares me...)

I hope it is to your liking, it was difficult to do it for the colors, I had to mix two colors to achieve the color of Ember, I worked very hard xD

I could not scan it and could not wait to submit it, I'm sorry for that :(

Enjoy it! :D


Me pregunto quién es la que hace llorar a Ember... bueno no importa porque siempre está triste xD

Disfruté mucho haciendo este regalo para W0lfmare, me encantó su comic (Bloodline: ) y por supuesto amé a Ember, un personaje muy simpático :3

Esa mano... (como era de esperarse) es la mano de Sylvshara, que pertenece a infinitedge2u , un personaje muy tierno también (aunque a veces me asusta...)

Espero que sea de su agrado, fue difícil hacerlo por los colores, tuve que mezclar dos colores para lograr el color de Ember, me esforcé mucho xD

A este no pude escanearlo y no podía esperar más para publicarlo, lo siento por eso :(

A disfrutar! :D
Image size
3920x2204px 1.65 MB
Shutter Speed
1/50 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Mar 19, 2017, 7:01:05 PM
© 2017 - 2025 Promaster20
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Samantaz's avatar
Haha, Sylv's hand on the right made me laugh ! Poor ember !