ZT2 Showcase - CaviramusProfDanB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/profdanb/art/ZT2-Showcase-Caviramus-778487767ProfDanB

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ZT2 Showcase - Caviramus



Name: Caviramus Schesaplanensis
Class: Pterosaur
Diet: Piscivore
Size: Wingspan of 53 inches
DANGER: Not Dangerous, May Bite if Agitated or Disturbed
Range: Switzerland, 205 Million Years B.C.
Habitat: Temperate Coast
Conservation Status: Extinct
Description: The Caviramus is a small species of pterosaur that lived during the late Triassic Period, it was first discovered in the Kossen Formation of the Northern Calcereous Alps in Switzerland, the animal wasn't named until the year 2006, scientists did not figure out much about it due to the first fossil find being a piece of the lower jaw and 2 teeth, this changed when another pterosaur in the same area, known as Raeticodactylus, showed that the 2 species were very identical, perhaps even being a junior synonym to Caviramus, but we aren't too sure.  Studies have shown that the Caviramus featured a crest on its head, multiple restorations show the crest having a large extension that didn't fossilize, similar to how other pterosaurs like Tapejara are usually portrayed, but scientists are unsure if it did have a crest like that or just a thin, bony crest on its snout.  The Caviramus had teeth similar in shape to the Eudimorphodon, the front top teeth being fang-like, while the teeth in the upper cheeks had between 3 and 5 cusps, it is commonly believed to be piscivorous like many other pterosaurs, but there are some theories stating that the Caviramus could have been a terrestrial forager or an herbivore, this theory is still being debated and we are still unsure about the life of this bizarre early pterosaur.
Mod: Caviramus (Philly and Tyranachu) zt2downloadlibrary.wikia.com/w…
Personal Thoughts: I have not heard of this pterosaur species before seeing this mod, as it was not featured in any form of media, books, or TV, it's nice to feature an extinct animal in ZT2 that few people have heard about.  I just noticed how most pterosaurs made for Zoo Tycoon 2 all have an inaccurate wing posture, it might be just the way I see it, but the way the wings are in the walking posture are literally snapping the finger.  I know this is because of the Pteranodon animations used from the Walking With Dinosaurs mod, I recall seeing a Quetzalcoatlus and Hatzegopteryx with the realistic wing posture, but that was pretty buggy with the animations, so I'll let this inaccuracy slide for now.  Other than that, it has no bugs or glitches, the modeling and textures are realistic, and it is a really good addition to a prehistoric zoo.
My Rating: 10/10
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800x600px 204.35 KB
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