Hi, there!
I just realized I haven't written a bio for myself and decided it's about time, after 10 years around here. Time sure flies, yep.
So, I'm a Brazilian software developer who's been drawing since he was a little kid and never stopped. Here you may find my musings and creations, including a whole unfinished universe of mythos, some unwritten stories that are nonetheless being illustrated and fleshed out as art, a whole lot of musically inspired artistry, a few attempts at game design and also comics about comic characters working in comics.
Welcome and enjoy, leave a comment if you so feel inclined, chat about if it flies your fancy. I don't bite, and have been restraining myself about the scratches.
Because, you see, I'm a professional mole. That's kind of the joke.
...Seriously, thanks for the visit and have a nice day.
oh actually I found it I had my birthday set wrong here in DA. Honestly no idea why. Thanks again!
Happy Birthday
Appreciated, although you were a few days early :V
Hey Mole! How are you doing? Not been on here in a loooong while, we owe each other some birthday drawings! Haha
Hope you are well 😁
Holy cow, is it 2010 again?
Same for you, life here turns increasingly complicated, but that tends to happen when you adult...
Best wishes for you, too!
2010 was so much easier, a lot changes in 12 years huh?
Hopefully life isn't too complicated as an adult, I have 2 small lives to look after too now, craziness!
What are you up to now?