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PrismCross's avatar

Sword Art Online: Asuna - Knights of the Blood



UPDATE: Version 1.21 -> Added Installation Icon, a more secure private key code and cleaned the theme's manifest.json. Also uploaded to the Chrome Webstore.

In this theme I’ve used ZerolShikumai‘s Asuna render ([link]). I’ve added a few touches with a blur filter, as well as added more decals with Twilight brushes from Axeraider([link]). Used fonts Vrinda and Khan.

Color Palettes: #c7664d #a43928 #ffecd1 and #ffd1d1. I used transparency with a PNG file with brush elements in my attempy to put in something ‘digital’ lol.

Character data was taken from her page at the Sword Art Online wiki([link]).

**Also posted on Sakura Index [link] , [link] and on the Google Chrome Webstore [link] **
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DoctorNoaFloydDDm's avatar

Could you post the background image by itself? Brave doesn't accommodate baked in backgrounds for themes.