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PrincessSkyler's avatar

Stamp: I only hate bigots



EDIT: None of you did anything wrong aaa don't worry- but I'm TEMPORARILY disabling the comments becuase my gut is telling me to. I am going through some IRL things and such plus my mental health needs to stay in check and I DONT wanna risk getting into any conflict as of right now. I'll re-enable the comments soon after I'm a bit healed! Please don't message me about this stamp for the time being.

Am I going to get canceled for this? UNFORTUNATELY its likely. I'm deadass terrified to post this truth be told but literally nobody else is saying anything because they're too scared to say anything.

Now for the record I am NOT saying every single LGBT person is like this. Trust me, as an LGBT person myself and someone who has plenty of LGBT buddies I can confirm that not all of us have this mindset. I sure as hell don't considering this stamp exists-

That being said:
We are DEMANDED to be supported by everyone for our sexualities and gender pronouns and identifies and such, and yet some of us LGBT people do the very same thing the LGBTphobes do to us and say things like "I hate cis/straight people", even if they are on our sides cheering for us. How do you expect our non-LGBT allies to feel comfortable standing behind us when these people doing the same thing the LGBTphobes do and making them feel bad for NOT being LGBT?

You cannot assume that all straight or cis people are LGBTphobic just because they themselves are not LGBT. As a matter of fact I have a decent amount of people I know whom are straight and DO support us exactly as we are and are all about us fighting for our rights!

Please stop associating all non-LGBT people with LGBTphobes. We're fighting for love, right? Love our allies, hate the REAL bigots. The people who ACTUALLY try to stand in our way by throwing their hurtful opinions our way and legit try to get us killed. Don't hate the ones who stand by our side and root for us just because they aren't "one of us".

And please for the love of cripe don't twist my words. This is NOT an LGBTphobic stamp in any way, shape nor form nor intended to be. This is not me claiming every single LGBT person out there hates every straight/cis person. And this stamp is NOT to be used to justify any hatred towards the LGBT community. DO NOT use this or any of my other stamps if that is your sole purpose.
I myself am LGBT, I am an Aromantic Bisexual. And I def support LGBT rights for SURE. I just don't think it's right to label everyone who ISN'T LGBT as someone who's out to get us. If anybody, maybe target the people who actively ARE trying to get rid of us..? Not our allies..?

If I DID say something accidentally questionable please talk to me politely about it and I'll do my damndest to correct the mistake aaa- but keep your hatred out of the comments whether it's about LGBT people or allies. I will not tolerate it.
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99x59px 3.83 KB
Β© 2021 - 2024 PrincessSkyler
LadyNanako's avatar

i'm pans/non-binary and i hate overly flamboyant gays (you know the one's: those "hey,look at me!" guys that talk with a "gay accent" and are just so over the top that you know there is no way in hell it's anything but being a attention whore because NO ONE is just born like that). i actually hate anyone that makes their sexuality/gender their entire personality: like,you can like/be whatever without making your entire existence about it. none of these really has much to do with the actual topic but i get very few chances to complain about this stuff and the topic IS about hating things so figured i'd take the opportunity since at least i don't hate cis people (well,not JUST cis people. i actually just kind hate everyone the same cause humans are the worst).

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