pollutionprincemypc on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/princemypc/art/pollution-95457164princemypc

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princemypc's avatar




I made this image for the contest at gettyimages [link] but later I came to know that I cant participate because I work with the same company. :(

CONTEST LINK (Note: contest over long back) [link]

All images copyright goes to gettyimages (c)


Use one or more of our footage clips, music tracks or images to communicate an idea that makes a world of difference
Come up with an idea that you think would have a ripple effect across the world.
Any idea – as long as it makes a difference in the world on some level. You can submit as many great concepts as you can come up with. A good place to start is to think of one of your pet peeves and then provide a solution. From the mini to the colossal, it could be a campaign to:
· Get people to smile more in the mornings.
· Encourage teenagers to do apprenticeships.
· Persuade the world to quit smoking.
· Convince fashion companies to sew buttons on expensive shirts properly

I Hope you like it :hug:
Image size
640x480px 77.07 KB
© 2008 - 2025 princemypc
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CapeBretonPollution's avatar
Interesting work, however I do not want to stop pollution, I like polluting things on purpose.