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Positive Reinforcement



Because my last take on Mystique's training Todd was so violent and dark and ultimately depressing, here's a more positive take on it. Avec half-arsed shading job, badly drawn boxes and likely as all wildly out-of-character behaviour! :D

Sorry about my shodtacular handwriting. Here's what it says in case you can not decipher it;

MYSTIQUE: Well, Toad. It would appear you have completed your training.

TODD: Yes Ma'am!

MYSTIQUE: Now, understand that your performance during our last mission was, shall we say, less that satisfactory. Some significant improvement is called for. And that means no more flirting with Summers, for a start.
TODD: Eh heh, yeh. Sorry about that, won't happen again! :D

MYSTIQUE: So tell me! Who's ready for some highly dangerous work activity you can not possibly sue for?
TODD: Aw man, I am SO ready! I'm your toad, bosslady!

MYSTIQUE: Yeeeesss . . . And who is going to do brilliantly?
TODD: ME, yo!

MYSTIQUE: And who is going to royally arse it up?
TODD: Piet- Someone Else!

MYSTIQUE: Very well then. Let us PROCEED . . .

BOTH: Hut! Hut! Hut!

photoshop, ballpoint pen

Raven "Mystique" Darkholme and Todd "Toad" Tolensky belong to Marvel, the WB, Toonami and other people who are not me.
Image size
1275x1645px 291.46 KB
© 2007 - 2024 princefala
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