Salmacian / BigenitalPride-Flags on DeviantArt

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Salmacian / Bigenital



Salmacian or Bigenital: As a term for people who wish to have a mixed genital set (such as a penis and a vagina, or something in between); derived from the name of the nymph Salamacis, whose body was merged with that of the son of Hermes and Aphrodite in the ancient Greek myth which also gave us the word "hermaphrodite"). This does not necessarily correspond with certain gender(s), you could be a Salmacian/Bigenital trans woman, or bigender, or agender, etc.

Coined by: (Salmacian) Raphael Carter and popularized in the Androgyny RAQ: Angel's Dictionary. (Bigenital) Anonymous

Designed by: Anonymous

Note: The original definition said "male-to-intersex" and "female-to-intersex" instead of "mixed genital set" because it seemed like kind of iffy terminology to use to describe this.

Color meanings: The root word comes from Salmacis, a nymph who plays a role in the myth of Hermaphroditus (who in turn is the source for the word herm***ite). In the myth, the two were joined together in one body and lived in a fountain/spring from then on. The design is meant as an abstract picture of the spring. Top half is light blue for the sky, bottom half is greenish brown for the ground, and then a thick blueish-purple bar in the middle for the spring

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PrincessWolfie1993's avatar
I love the flags you've shared on here, and I favorite some that are me (I'm a trans woman and a lesbian). This one caught my interest because of the color ordering. The three colors I like are blue, green, and purple. Seeing this puts me in wonder. Who knew my three favorite colors are a flag? That's pretty neat!