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Mollgender / Molligender



Mollgender or Molligender: 

1) A gender identity that is largely related to a certain gender, but feels soft, as if it has blurred into other genders. Used as mollgirl, mollboy, mollinonbinary, etc.

2) A gender that is quiet, soft and subdued. Can be used to mean a gender that feels gentle, not too present or blurred somehow.

Coined by: Unknown

Designed by: Unknown

All designs in this gallery are HQ and are free to use for anything pride-related! You can download the full size on the right sidebar. Do not hesitate to ask questions, submit new designs, or request combos, I'm happy to help!

Check out my FAQ here if you'd like to know more! There's links to masterlists of all the different genders/orientations I know of too!
Image size
5000x3000px 71.87 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Pride-Flags
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Pastelmemer's avatar
it should be known that moll/molli is also an orientation and this can look like mollplatonic so maybe another flag design for the orientation should be made??? how about making the big stripes a yellow gradient and the small ones gray? I think that would be able to be told apart easily