Librafluid / Agenderflux (3)Pride-Flags on DeviantArt

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Librafluid / Agenderflux (3)



Libragender: Feeling agender, but with a particular connection to masculinity, femininity, or other gendered feelings, e.g. libramasculine or librafeminine.

Librafluid/Agenderflux: Libragender, but your gendered feelings are fluid.

Term coined by:…
Flag designed by: that-one-with-the-face

Here’s what the flag colours (supposedly)mean:

Greys: Agender

Pink: Femininity

Blue: Masculinity

The Venn Diagram in the middle supposedly represents the the fluctuations between masculinity and femininity.  The Grey in the centre represents agender and the Blue and Pink off the the sides represent masculinity and femininity.  The Gradients in the pink and blue represents the fluctuations in degrees one experiences as a result of agenderflux

All designs in this gallery are HQ and are free to use for anything pride-related! You can download the full size on the right sidebar. Do not hesitate to ask questions, submit new designs, or request combos, I'm happy to help!

Check out my FAQ here if you'd like to know more! There's links to masterlists of all the different genders/orientations I know of too!
Image size
5000x3000px 1.92 MB
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