Lesbian Gay / Gaybian (1)Pride-Flags on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pride-flags/art/Lesbian-Gay-Gaybian-1-877059115Pride-Flags

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Lesbian Gay / Gaybian (1)



Gaybian, Lesbigay, Lesbivincian, or Geiseric refers to someone who is gay (vincian) and lesbian.[1] This could be for several reasons including, but not limited to:

  • One is multigender and is attracted to men and women, whoever they are only attracted to men as a man/in an achillean way and are only attracted to women as a woman/in a sapphic way.
  • One is genderfluid and is attracted to men and women, whoever they are only attracted to men as a man and are only attracted to women as a woman. They may also identify as omnigay.
  • Someone who otherwise experiences gay attraction to men and lesbian attraction to women.

One's identity as gaybian may also be caused or influenced by being abrosexual or varioriented. One may may also identify as or be considered bisexual. However, one may not always consider bisexual to be an accurate description of their attraction, as the attraction they experience is always in a gay way. Similar identities include omnigay, lahuric, lahurian.
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