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Lesbian is the term for a gay woman, meaning a woman, woman-aligned and/or feminine-aligned non-binary person who is attracted to women, woman-aligned and/or feminine-aligned non-binary people. The term is also sometimes used by abinary non-binary people who are attracted to women, women-aligned people, feminine aligned people, and other non-binary people who identify as lesbians. Some people use it as the feminine equivalent of vincian (referring to exclusive attraction).
The word lesbian comes from the name of the Greek island Lesbos, the birthplace of the poet Sappho (the origin of the word sapphic).[1] The use of lesbian to mean gay woman or female homosexuality dates back to 1732.[2] Before this was used, the word lesbian meant "of Lesbos", such as "Lesbian wine" or "Lesbian culture".
Romantic and sexual relationships between women go back far in human history, including to ancient times. Most ancient civilizations were surprisingly LGBTQ+ friendly, thinking that it was just human nature to crave sexual or romantic contact from the same gender.
Flag by Sadlesbeandisaster
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