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Genderflux (5)



Genderflux: refers to a shift in gender intensity. It can also be thought of as genderfluidity between agender and some other gender. Though commonly used as an adjective/label, genderflux can also be used as a verb or noun."…

All flags and designs in this gallery are HQ (usually 5000x3000px) and are free to use for anything pride-related! You can download the full size on the right sidebar. Do not hesitate to ask questions, submit new flags, or request combo flags, I'm happy to help!

Check out my FAQ here if you'd like to know more! There's links to masterlists of all the different genders/orientations I know of too.
Image size
5000x3000px 72.63 KB
© 2015 - 2024 Pride-Flags
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Xepisia's avatar
hello!! i was wondering if you could somehow combine this flag with the panromantic flag and the autochorissexual flag??
preferably kinda like this: Demisexual Androsexual Nonbinary Combo
but the gender flag as the back one, the circle as autochorris, and the heart as pan?

sorry if this is rude at all, just thought it couldn't hurt to ask! thank you !!