FengenderPride-Flags on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pride-flags/art/Fengender-665395890Pride-Flags

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Fengender as well as the other terms in the Culture-exclusive Genders folder are genders that are specific to certain cultures and should not be used by people not of that culture. If you're not sure you're able to use this, feel free to send an ask on ask-pride-color-schemes.tumblr.com, I have followers that could help you out! 

Fengender: A gender like the wind, playful, fickle and all over the place.
This term is exclusive to Chinese people.

The designer picked the blue-purple color since it’s an ambiguous color (represent nonbinary) and its a nontraditional color for an element. The classic Chinese elements are fire, earth, wood, metal, and water. The colors for these are traditionally red, yellow, green, white, and black respectively. Hence, wind/air isn't considered one of the elements in Chinese culture, and blue and purple aren't used as traditional colors.
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Alguém pode me dizer como acha informações sobre essa identidade de gênero na internet? Pois não consigo achar nada sobre, como imagens, artigos e etc...