Demiromantic Lesbian Pride FlagPride-Flags on DeviantArt

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Demiromantic Lesbian Pride Flag



This flag is for homoromantic lesbians, especially those whos' sexual orientations don't match their romantic ones.

Demi- An a-spectrum orientation where one does not experience attraction to a person until they have developed an emotional connection to them. There is no guarantee that this attraction will develop after an emotional connection is formed, but it is required in order for attraction to be possible. 
Some demi people may choose to further define their orientation in terms of genders they are attracted to (demipanromantic, demihomosexual). Others do not find this necessary, or feel that they have enough experiences of that form of attraction to figure out who they're attracted to.

All flags and designs in this gallery are HQ (5000x3000px) and are free to use for anything pride-related! You can download the full size on the right sidebar. Do not hesitate to ask questions, submit new flags, or request combo flags, I'm happy to help!

Variations (For SEO purposes mostly):

Demiromantic, Romantic, Homoromantic, DemiHomoromantic, Demi-Homoromantic 

Image size
5000x3000px 310.85 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Pride-Flags
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