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Bigender (Mascandrogyne and Femandrogyne)



Bigender is a non-binary gender identity in which someone has two distinct gender identities. They could feel both genders at the same time or be fluid between them, in which case they may also identify as genderfluid. The two genders they experience can be male, female, and/or any non-binary identities. Bigender people do not have to experience both genders in equal amounts.

Bigender people can be a combination of any two genders, including non-binary genders. For example, a bigender person could be female and neutrois. One or both of their genders could be fluid or fluctuating.

Bigender people may also identify as transgender or non-binary. People who experience more than two genders can be trigender, quadgender, or multigender.

Mascandrogyne or masculine androgyne refers to an androgyne or otherwise androgynous gendered person whose gender is more masculine than feminine. One's gender is simultaneously masculine and feminine, or is in between masculine and feminine, however the masculine part outweighs the feminine part. The exact amounts femininity and masculinity may fluctuate, but the masculinity always or almost always outweighs the femininity.

Femandrogyne or feminine androgyne refers to an androgyne or otherwise androgynous gendered person whose gender is more feminine than masculine. One's gender is simultaneously masculine and feminine, or is in between masculine and feminine, however the feminine part outweighs the masculine part. The exact amounts femininity and masculinity may fluctuate, but the femininity always or almost always outweighs the masculinity.

Similar genders include gynx, ogyne, and angyne.

Versandrogyne or versatile androgyne refers to an androgyne or otherwise androgynous gendered person where the amount of masculinity and femininity they experience fluctuates. Their gender is simultaneously masculine and feminine, or is in between masculine and feminine. They sometimes feel like the feminine part outweighs the masculine part (femandrogyne), sometimes the masculine part outweighs the feminine part (mascandrogyne), and sometimes the two parts are equal (neutrandrogyne), however they always feel androgynous. They are never 100% masculine or 100% feminine.

Flag by /u/Ultimate_Souffle…

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