Deviation Actions
The Aiagender Spectrum or Aiaspec is an umbrella term for anyone on the "aporine gendered” spectrum. This includes anyone whose gender is aporine or outherine, partly aporine, aporine-aligned or adjacent, aporineflux, or is similar to or in some way resembles aporinity. It is similar to, but not necessarily the same as aingender. Aingender is for genders that are is some way aporine. Aiaspec includes genders that are related to aporinity (even if they are not aporine). They do not necessarily have to identify with notions of aporinity or be aporine-aligned. Examples of aiaspec genders may include: aporagender, maverique, ilyagender, péra, etc. Aiagender can also be used as a gender on its own.
The state of having an aiagender or having a gender which exists on the aiagender spectrum is called aiaty.