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pridark's avatar

Will never be the same


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Hey guys you all know I was inactive for weeks, I think almost for a month.

A close friend of your family passed away one month ago, it was so debastating for me that I wasn't unable to draw anything.. all the things that happen in my head was just we will never have a happy birthday again or a christmas (our two families always go together in that days) tryied a lot to start to drawing the commissions I have pending but always ended in just the references and the sketch open in paintool sai with no progress, was a really sad time for me becouse I love to draw and the only thing I was unable to do was sleep and thinking...
however I'm now starting to get better and made a draw to test me I hope now everthing will be normal with the activity and start to finish commissions and do the sketchs of the new ones ^-^ thanks for read and sorry if my grammar is wrong :D

Sorry all for all the inactivity and special thanks for all the pacience of the people who is waiting for his commission  (^,^) /)
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TaionaFan369's avatar

Ponynyxplz Says3plz I know how you feel, mother.