Comm: Scarpridark on DeviantArt

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Comm: Scar



Ebony's changeling boyfriend

Comm for :iconThund3r-Dash3r:

He's a fully grown drone, hatched shortly after the reformation of Chrysalis's first hive. He grew up in the crystal caverns underneath Canterlot, the same caverns where Cadance and Twilight were sent during the first invasion.

He got his scars during an encounter with a rabid pack of diamond dogs while exploring a previously unexplored tunnel one day. He wasn't much of a fighter back then, and it was first thought that he would be unable to recover from his injuries. In order to free him from his pain, the doctors decided it was best to euthanize him. When the needle was inches away from the soft flesh below his jaw, his horn lit up and the needle went flying across the room. A month later, after many scares and emergency treatments, he was finally released from the hospital. Since then, he has trained alongside his hive's guard so that he can properly defend himself if the need ever arises again.

When he met Ebony, he was shopping at the Canterlot central marketplace. The young filly had crashed into him after a miscalculation in the air. She apologized profusely, really embarrassed by her mistake. However, instead of getting angry, Scar checked to make sure Ebony was alright before offering to get her back home in one piece. A couple days later, Ebony bumped into Scar at the same marketplace. "Am I going to have to avoid this place, or can you stop running into me?" he asked, after which Ebony began to apologize yet again, only to be stopped by Scar placing his left hoof to her muzzle. "Really, there's no need to apologize. You know what though? How about we make this less awkward. My name is Scar, what's yours?". And thus began a great friendship that eventually blossomed into a romantic relationship.
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