NetflixPricklyAlpaca on DeviantArt

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PricklyAlpaca's avatar




Emma: You wanna go home and see what’s on netflix?

Killian: I don’t know what that is but sure.

Inspired by that scene~

Emma fell asleep watching pirates of the Caribbean

Hook starts yelling at the screen and then gets a craving for rum

Art (C) AgentWhiteHawk 2015
Once Upon a Time (C) ABC 
My sketchier and less formal work like this can be found over on tumblr! Follow me for sketches, concept art, wips, and tutorials!

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Tuam's avatar
Hawk! This is SOOO GREEAAT Clap Love Love Love Love Love 

That moment when he said that "I don't know what that is, but... sure!"... His increadible smile... Ohhhh
You created the scene all of us wanted so much to seeeeee! I just Love their place you created!

And Hook yelling at the screen, angry with Jack Sparrow and how they describe the pirates in the movie, this is so hilarious and lovely! Colin is so funny, this netflix scene MUST be fimed! Heart 

Hawk... After all they passed... These two do need to have a place for them, a kitty... And Peace. Great Art!

[totally favourite!+fav +fav +fav +fav +fav ]