SHIPPING: SLAYERS Fanillustration book 2

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Books in stock: 4

Fanbooks arrived!! by Prettio

UPDATE: All paid packages have been sent (Except the ones from people from Madrid that will recieve it in person). Please check your inbox, I've sent everybody a note with the tracking codes.



- Books arrived today in the morning. I will start sending them to your addresses this weekend. I will send all of you a message with your tracking code and information about how to track you package online.

- Wednesday 8th February: The printer has finished printing the book and I will recieve it in 1 to 2 days more or less. I will start shipping them this weekend to your addresses.

- Friday, 3rd February: The Fanbook was paid yesterday. Right now it's being processed and printed : )

- Wednesday, 1st February: Time to pay is over, I will make the payment to the printer in the next two days. People that have replied to the messages I sent, don't worry I can wait for the payment as I told you. As for the rest, I guess I'll keep waiting until somebody is interested to buy your copy. When the package from the printer arrives (in 10 days more or less) I will upload photographies ^_^

Thank you very much everybody I hope the books arrive soon home, I'm so excited :D



1) Payments
Payments have to be done before 25th January 2012. The payment method should be Paypal or international bank transfer. I will send every participant a note with my account information, please check your inbox in the next hours.

The price of the book is 18€ + shipping and handling costs

For people living in Spain: 18+6,5= 24,5€
For people living INSIDE Europe: 18+11= 29€
For people living OUTSIDE Europe (America, Asia, Australia...): 18+14,5= 32,5€

You can calculate how much is it in your coin currency here:

IMPORTANT: Payments with Paypal have to be sent in EUROS. Payments sent in other coin currency won't be accepted and returned.

2) Order to the printer company
The payment to the printer will be made on 2nd February 2012

3) Shipping of each book to your house
In 7-10 days the order will arrive to me. As soon as it arrives I will send your book to you.


Fan illustration book 2 // IN STOCK by Prettio


This book is a compilation of my most recent fanarts of Slayers in colour. The fanarts included in the first book won't appear in this one. I will upload the cover and a collage of the works included inside soon.

Size: A4 (29x21cm)
Pages: 50 aprox. in colour
Rating: All ages
Price: 18€ + shipping costs to your country
Lenguage: English
How to pay: Paypal or international money transfer
Pre-order list: Will close on 15th January aprox. or when we reach 40 people in list.
How to pre-order: Send me a note or leave a message in this post
When do I have to pay?: When the pre-order list closes I will send everybody a note with information about the final price and the time they have to pay for their copy. After recieving the money I will pay to the printer company and in 1 week more or less the book will be ready to ship to your house.


  Este libro es una recopilación de mis fanarts de Slayers más recientes en color. Los fanarts que aparecieron en el primer libro, no serán incluidos en éste. Dentro de poco subiré las portadas y un collage con los dibujos que aparecerán dentro.

Tamaño: A4 (29x21cm / tamaño folio)
Páginas: 50 aprox. en color
Clasificación: Para todas las edades.
Precio: 18€ más gastos de envío
Idioma: Inglés
Métodos de pago: Paypal, transferencia/ingreso bancario, contrareembolso (Solo dentro de España) o Postal Express (America Latina)
Lista de encargos: Cerrará el 15 de Enero aproximadamente o en cuanto lleguemos a las 40 personas en lista.
Como encargar: Mándame un mensaje privado o deja un comentario en este journal.
Cuándo hay que pagar: Cuando el período de encargos termine, mandaré a todo el mundo un mensaje privado con información de los precios finales, cómo pagar y de cuánto tiempo disponeis. Después de recibir el pago, pagaré a la imprenta para que haga los libros y en una semana apróximadamente estarán listos para enviar a vuestra casa.

:star: PRE-ORDER LIST :star:

1. Deih -> PAID
2. SilverScarCat -> PAID -> SHIPPED
3. lord-frederique (v_chan_paradise LJ) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
4. whitemagicpriestess whitemagicpriestess.deviantart… -> PAID -> SHIPPED
5. RyoOhki2 -> PAID -> SHIPPED
6. pip25 (LJ) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
7. PhoenixFlameGuardian phoenixflameguardian.deviantar… -> PAID -> SHIPPED
8. pu-sama (memento_macabre LJ) -> PAID
9. pharoah999 (LJ) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
10. dog42a -> PAID -> SHIPPED
11. Eero1988 -> PAID -> SHIPPED
12. rei2rei (LJ)
13. petrosoap (LJ) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
14. NinjaKasuga -> PAID -> SHIPPED
15. StrawberryChocoVirus strawberrychocovirus.deviantar… -> PAID -> SHIPPED
16. ubernewtype -> PAID -> SHIPPED
17. IfWeEver -> PAID -> SHIPPED
18. chevaliershakka (LJ) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
19. vargasdx -> PAID -> SHIPPED
20. Leafy-chan -> PAID -> SHIPPED
21. EddyMI -> SHIPPED
22. Elisa -> PAID
23. Amneco + Dungeon 1 -> PAID -> SHIPPED
24. Suigintou256 -> SHIPPED
25. DqBunny (LJ) ZosuruWolfGirl87… -> PAID -> SHIPPED
26. ToscanoRevenge…> PAID
27. Ancleichi -> PAID -> SHIPPED
29. Slippery-Frog -> PAID -> SHIPPED
30. CastaliaDoragon… -> PAID -> SHIPPED
31. neocloud9 -> PAID
32. Angelic-Wolf99
33. Aussiefangirl -> PAID -> SHIPPED
34. midnightoasis -> PAID -> SHIPPED
35. Raffy-chan -> PAID -> SHIPPED
36. virtualgnd (LJ) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
37. Mereth -> PAID -> SHIPPED
38. AkaiChan
39. psychojd -> PAID -> SHIPPED
40. Sywen -> PAID

1. Wolf-y -> PAID
2. CastaliaDoragon (2º) -> PAID -> SHIPPED
3. Kawaiidchan -> PAID -> SHIPPED
4. Piri-kun -> PAID

© 2011 - 2024 Prettio
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wateregg's avatar
Yo quiero uno, como va?