PremiumPokemon's avatar


Quality Pokémon Fan-art
Years Ago
224 Members651 Watchers

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Hi, the decision process is taking really long on one of my submissions. Would it be okay to get an answer to that? :P I'd really appreciate it! Thanks.
Hi! Sorry for the delay, I'm currently running the ship on my own and I do not have a lot of time to spare. But I just got it :)
By the way, if you have questions like these (that are about a specific submission), please ask them on the Gallery Submisson thingy, that's a little bit easier to manage for me.
if i were to become an admin, what exactly would i be responsible of?
You would judge the Submissions and Joining Requests along with Eskaite and me. What's good, what's bad, do we accept it or not, why, that sort of thing. If you decide to become an admin, I'll send an invitation with a more indepth explanation, but that's the basic stuff.
what exactly are the requirements for admin? How good does your own art have to be and how do you know what standard you are holding other people's art up to? Are admins allowed to submit art?

Your own art doesn't have to be anything, you just have to be able to see quality. The standards that we use would become clearer the more you judge with us, that's something you kinda have to feel. But we are a team, so don't worry about that.
And admins are definitely allowed to submit art! Their art is judged by the other admins in a seperate mini-forum, because of the system (art that is submitted by admins is automatically accepted, so that you can add art from other people to the galleries without going through the entire system).
Hello there! :) I've submitted a few join requests, but so far they've all expired before they were voted on. I've just sent a 3rd join request since the first time my join request expired I was sent a message by someone in this group asking me to resubmit. Anywho since my last join request has expired again, I just thought I'd mention it here too in case that helps people see my latest request :) Whenever you folks could take a looksee I'd really appreciate it! :)