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Officer Braeligx




 Braeligx, The Aphasic Interpreter


Age: 20

Height: 5’7.5”

Eyes: Brown (Pink when element is active)

Hair: Brown

World: San Fransokyo

 Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet 


     Braeligx isn’t much of a people person, and hasn’t been since before he became a Nobody. It’s not that he doesn’t WANT to socialize, but his apathetic demeanor combined with the inability to speak and emote regularly makes him seem unapproachable. What he lacks in social skills he makes up for in mental acuity. As a mathematical savant and an engineer Braeligx is most comfortable when he is solving problems both literal and figurative. Once you get past his detached façade, Braeligx is a curious, charming individual with a sharp sense of humor.

                Recently, Braeligx had been becoming more aloof around other members of the Organization. Nobody is quite sure what happened and Brae didn’t seem to want to talk about it, and had been focusing more and more on his own growth within Organization Infinitus.

                Shortly before Christmas of 2019, Braeligx had a crisis of faith when his not-quite-love-interest Helix fell into a coma after a run-in with a Keyblader. He made a realization that his friends were his strength and promptly got to reconciling to all of the people he ghosted after the past few months. He and Helix are now happily dating, and Braeligx is much happier and social. 

 Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet 

Element usage:

    Braeligx has the ability to manipulate the perceptions of people who are within his sphere of influence (Radius of approx. 40 ft). He is able to change how targets perceive a person(s), object, or situation. For example: a target that is suspicious of Braeligx might be manipulated to believe that he is a perfectly normal stranger, A teammate that is injured could believe that they are perfectly fine, or that it isn’t as bad as it seems. Braeligx prefers to use his power subtly for the most part, such as displacing himself during battles so that his opponent attacks the wrong target and leaves themselves open. He is constantly using an ambient form of perception to communicate with his fellow organization members as he is selectively mute and prefers to use sign language.

    This power works best under certain conditions: the more subtle the change in perception, the easier it is for the target to believe and therefor the easier it is for keep control of their mind. With his promotion to officer, he can push these boundaries just a bit more. A target who takes too much damage from his illusions, for example, or was “stabbed” in a fatal area will fall “dead” for approximately 10 seconds. In that time, their brain stops functioning until it reboots and Brae has a chance to get away. He cannot do this to multiple people at a time.

    Now that he has ranked up, Braeligx has been able to use his Mind-Meld abilities with more frequency and greater control, but it can still cause a strain on his body if used too often/for too long.


    With his weapon, Braeligx is able to survey his surroundings in 360 degrees. The controllers he carries in each hand can be “manipulated” to look like swords or other weapons, but do not cause lethal damage* since they are still technically blunt objects**.


    *a target under the effect of his perceptions would believe that the ‘swords’ would cut and therefore would feel as though they have gotten cut or stabbed, but all damage is converted to bashing damage.


    **A word of caution; getting hit with one of those controllers is akin to getting hit with a rattan stick and I would not advise being in the way. It may not be able to cut you for real, but bludgeoning is not entirely out of the question and still pretty darn painful.

Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet Pastel Green Star Bullet 



    -          Braeligx is selectively mute and there is a small chance that anyone will ever actually hear him speak for real. However, his element allows him to communicate by making people perceive that he’s talking. All speech bubbles for Braeligx are pink for this reason. This false voice sounds very monotone and artificial.


    -          He prefers to use Sign Language though…  He acts totally different when he uses ASL and has a much wider range of “emotions”.


    -          Braeligx is canonically Autistic. This may or may not come up in character interactions but he does not keep it a secret and usually does not hide his behaviors. His somebody was also Autistic but he did not retain most of his previous life’s memories, so he doesn’t know specifics.


    -          Gayer than a peacock at Pride.


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3480x2166px 3.24 MB
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