Dreamy RefsPredatorspet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/predatorspet/art/Dreamy-Refs-902514719Predatorspet

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Dreamy Refs



The LOUDEST uh oh I've ever said to date was the second I realized I was going to make a FNAF oc after years of being disinterested in the franchise. It was the GLAMROCK 80's theme that first got my attention. It's REAL chef's kiss MWAH! I will die for Glamrock haha... but somehow I've ended up in the Daycare oiy. I've been raving on Twitter so I guess it's time I release her into the wild on here.

So It's a fine Howdy Hey to my new creation: Dreamy.
Nursery grade animatronic that wears a padded plush body suit. Theoretically Dreamy would be a late stage addition to the Daycare as a secondary attendant to assist Sundrop, but more like keep an eye on Moondrop. Following the timeline concept of Vanny not being stopped and the hacking was still an issue. One Star Baby lol.
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artsieGoober's avatar

She still makes me swoon