Holgarama: 1

5 min read

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praseodym's avatar
Thanks to my always present boredom and weltengangs news post, I decided to do one or two holgaramas! I like how it feels like some kind of little game. :lol:

Check that article: news.deviantart.com/article/15… and then do one on your own! :beer:

a. Summer
Holga 1: Last Day of Summer by Snow-In-Summer Holga: Field by erinelise Holga Street by soxxs
:thumb57870621: Summer on the balcony by Magical-Night white stripes by miemo
running away from the blue jel by BreathUnderwater Ghosts of a childhood gone by CharBop Slowly by Immortal-Mynx

b. Windows
:thumb64661083: roses and window by cedmundmiller:thumb152942104:
find yourself a god by Immortal-Mynx magnets are pretty cool, by PukeChrist:thumb125578897:
:thumb91742253: Insideout by iamsatan out the window. by yourdiscosong

Also found these twins while searching for the holgas. I know I just featured the other one before but I couldn't resist showing them side by side.

avremo le stesse difese by 0cchiBassi:thumb207168898:

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sycamores-and-cedars's avatar
Thank you! =D

Just to be clear ... all of my images are made with a digital camera. I wish that I had a Holga, but I don't have one yet. :shrug: