
Need Help: Send Tuna Part 4

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Rosalyn was so flustered she could barely speak. “What…you…what are…I…what?”
The girl blinked her big, brown eyes. “Did I come at a bad time?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” The girl picked a large purse off the floor and walked to the door. “No, I can’t leave now!” She ran back and fell on her knees. “Please, I need your help!”
“What for?”
“To get a date for the fall dance: I know it sounds weird, but please!” The girl caught Rosalyn’s hand as she pushed past her. “I don’t know where else to turn!”
“I don’t even know who you are!” Rosalyn snapped.
“I’m Becky Bright. I’m a senior and, uh…I really like knitting!”
“Knitting? Why’d you tell me that?”
“I couldn’t think of anything else to say.”
“How about ‘good bye’?”
Becky grew quiet, but as Rosalyn could not extricate her hand from the girl’s grip.
“I’m won’t let go until you listen to me.”
“Forget it.” Rosalyn pulled and pulled, but Becky was a tall girl: older and stronger than she was. Each time she yanked her arm she dragged Becky’s knees across the grimy green tile, and not very far either. “How dare you?”
Becky didn’t answer. She looked kind of ashamed, but still held onto Rosalyn’s arm.
“Fine,” Rosalyn sighed. “It’s not like my day can get any worse anyway.”
“I know,” Becky sighed in return. “I heard the rumors, and just for the record, I don’t believe a word. Still, they’re kinda why I’m here: no offense.”
“What do you mean?"
“Well, I kinda…heard you were popular with the boys: again, no offense. Then I heard you talking in the bathroom stall and…well, you know.”
“You think I can help you find a date?” Rosalyn puzzled. “Why don’t you do it yourself?”
“Because I’m too shy: I mean, I don’t really care about dating. I didn’t have a problem being shy, but suddenly I realized I haven’t had a single date in my life!”
“So? This is my last year of high school! Years from now I don’t want my best senior memory to be the day I sequined my friend’s face in art class.”
Rosalyn blinked. “Sequins?”
“I really like crafts, alright? The point is that I need help.”
“Ask your friend, for God’s sake!”
“I can’t! They’re not good at this kind of stuff either, and I’m too embarrassed.”
“Too embarrassed?” Rosalyn fumed as she pulled at her arm again. “You’re too embarrassed to talk about boys but not too embarrassed to keep holding my arm?”
“It’s not the same thing!” Becky protested, maintaining her iron grip. “Weren’t you nervous before you talked to Derek?”
“Derek…” Rosalyn remembered the first time she asked him out. He seemed so cool, always hanging out with his theater club friends, talking about plays, and humbly shrugging off the assumptions that he’d get the lead role. It was desperation that finally convinced Rosalyn to talk to him, but she was so afraid of what he’d say. Maybe she would have clung to another girl to beg for advice.
Then suddenly a thought struck her. “Oh no,” Rosalyn gasped. “I forgot all about Derek!”
“What do you mean?”
“The rumors are spreading! What if he hears them? What if he thinks I’m cheating on him? I have to get to him before the others do!”
With one mighty pull Rosalyn was free and running for the door.
“Hey, wait up!” Becky grabbed her purse and gave chase. She would get help no matter what.

Leif arrived home from Anime Club feeling much better. He had thought about Rosalyn’s phone call all though class, and he needed some anime news to forget for a while. ‘I’m so pathetic,’ he moped. ‘How could that girl get me so worked up?’
‘Of course this is Rosalyn I’m talking about.’ He pondered her thin waist and firm breasts, those perky ears and furry tail. ‘And that way she mews when I rub her belly. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to put my hands on her right now!’
Leif shook his head. ‘You’re crazy! You’re not marrying her, and that’s final! Now, do your homework and forget about her.’  
His phone rang and Leif’s heart skipped a beat, thinking it was Rosalyn again. He was relieved and disappointed when he looked at the screen. “Hi Dad.”
“Leif, this is your father.”
“Yes Dad, I know. What’s up?”
“We need to talk, er…I mean, how’s college?”
Leif frowned. “It’s fine: everything’s fine.”
“You’re not having any problems up there are you? Your classes are good? Are your professors doing a good job?”
“Actually, my professors are great! The classes are just what I’m looking for. Why?
“Are you sure you’re not having any problems over there: maybe with your apartment, or your roommate? You don’t have a girlfriend yet, right?”
“What do you mean?” Leif fretted. ‘Does he know about Rosalyn? Why is he asking all these questions?’
“I’m just a little worried, Leif. If something’s wrong, now’s the time to bring it up.”
Leif’s mind raced. ‘Should I tell him? What would he think? What would Mom think? What if Rosalyn wants to meet them? What if they ask for grandchildren? What if the grandchildren are kittens?  What if—‘
“We just don’t have enough money,” Dad sighed
Leif’s train of hysteria derailed. “Wait, what did you say?”
“Mom and I looked over our finances, and…uh,” Dad cleared his throat. “It seems that…we don’t have enough…money.”
“What do you mean you don’t have enough money?”
Dad explained something about taxes and residency, and about how none of it worked in their favor. “We can’t pay for your college and your room and board. You’ll have to transfer out and go to school somewhere down here.”
“But I don’t want to leave! Everything’s working out up here.”
“Then you’re going to have to get a job.”
“A job! I’m in college! Isn’t that enough?”
“I told you, we don’t have enough money. We can manage pay for school, but somehow if you’re going to stay where you are you’re going to have to pay your own rent. Either that, or find some place cheaper to live.”
Leif lit up. This was a perfect chance to escape Hector and Rosalyn altogether! “Fine, I’ll find somewhere else to live!”
“Well, good luck! You’re going to need it.”
“Yeah, thanks a lot, Dad.” Leif hung up and collapsed on the couch. ‘Someplace cheaper to live: where do you even find places like that?’
Suddenly Leif noticed of Hector’s smiling face poking through the doorway.
“What are you so happy about?”
”I heard that you need someplace to live,” he grinned.
“So? Don’t tell me you want to help.”
“But I do,” Hector declared. “I know just the place you can live.

Word was spreading fast. In biology class none of the girls would talk to Rosalyn, convinced that she was double dealing Derek. Some of them, however, did have something to say.
“Confess,” Hillary hissed from behind.
“What?” Rosalyn turned around.
“Break up with Derek,” whispered Gwyneth, to her right.
“Stop hogging all the guys!” growled Catharine.
“I’m not hogging anything!”
“Rosalyn Catlunia!” barked Mr. Syms, glaring at her from behind his desk. “Anything you wish to discuss?”
“No sir.” The girls snickered as Rosalyn sank into her seat, but Rosalyn ignored them.
‘I have to find Derek.”
Rosalyn knew which classes Derek had. Right now he was next-door, and in order to get to his next class he had to pass Rosalyn’s classroom. She just had to wait for him. The bell rang and Rosalyn rushed to the classroom door. She thought she saw Derek walking down the hall and ran towards him.
“Derek, I need to talk to you!”
“Huh?” he turned around. Suddenly an entire phalanx of girls gathered around Derek and spirited him away.
“Get away, Rosalyn!”
“Yeah, bitch!”
Rosalyn was stunned “Bitch? I’m not a…bitch…’
Derek disappeared from her sight. Shauna, sipping her iced coffee, smirked triumphantly as she led the group onwards. Rosalyn fell to her knees in despair. Her first real date had been a disaster, and now everyone hated her. ‘I wish I was just a band nerd again.’
“I’m sorry,” a voice interrupted. Becky appeared and tapped Rosalyn on the shoulder. “But could you reconsider? I know this is still a bad time—“
“Yes! It’s a bad time!” Rosalyn screeched. “Everyone, if you haven’t noticed, hates me! I’m supposed to marry a guy I don’t even like, and every time I get near seafood I turn into a cat-girl! Yes, this is a bad time, and no I won’t reconsider!”
Becky slowly backed away. A small crowd of students gathered around Rosalyn and snickered. When another outburst failed to materialize they all drifted away, leaving Rosalyn in the middle of an empty hall, late for class and fuming. Becky stood at a cautious distance.
“A cat-girl?” Becky asked.
“Oh, shut up,” Rosalyn sobbed.
“I don’t suppose I can do anything to help?” Becky offered.
Rosalyn glared at Becky through her tears, wanting to chew her to bits, but suddenly she had an idea. “I’ve changed my mind,” she smiled, wiping away her tears. “I’m going to give you a lesson in talking to boys.”
“Really?” Becky inched cautiously forward. “I mean…great! When do I start?”
“Right now: the boy you’re going to talk to is Derek Jones.”

“Move in with Rosalyn: are you insane?”
“It’s perfect, Leif! Mom and Dad wouldn’t mind.”
“Oh, they’d love that!” Leif scoffed. “The whole family living under one roof: isn’t that lovely!”
“Come on, Leif! It can’t be worse than having to move to Florida. Honestly, you and Rosalyn are the most stubborn people I’ve ever met!”
“I’m not moving in with Rosalyn,” Leif insisted. “I’ll find a job, and that’s that!”
Leif marched off to his computer to search for a job. Hector followed him and watched silently.
“See?” Leif triumphantly pointed. “A job in the library: that’s an easy one!”
“Hundreds of students have applied for that job,” Hector said. “You’ll never get it.”
“Whatever, I’ll apply just in case. Let’s see…oh, a delivery job!”
“You’ll never earn enough money that way,” Hector stated calmly.
“Well, then I’ll get a second job—“
“So, when will you sleep?”
“Will you shut up!”
“No. My sister’s happiness demands that I point out how hopeless your position is.”
Leif fumed. “My marrying your sister is not going to make her happy.”
Hector frowned. “There are worse things than inconvenient marriage.”
“What do you mean?”
Hector looked around uncomfortably as if someone were listening. “You can’t tell Rosalyn what I’m about to tell you.”
Leif was about to laugh, but the look in Hector’s eye was quite serious. Leif solemnly nodded.
“The cat-girl curse goes back generations,” Hector whispered. “…to Catalonia, where my ancestors lived.”
“Is that in Africa?”
“Spain, you ignorant ass—anyway, my ancestor Anais was betrothed to a rich merchant she didn’t love. That was the way it worked back then, but Anais didn’t give a damn. She visited a witch and asked if she could break up the marriage. The witch cast the curse, saying that Anais would never marry anyone she didn’t like.”
“Are you freaking serious?” Leif scoffed.
“Deadly freaking serious!” Hector snapped. “Because you know what happened next? The merchant forced her into marriage anyway, and do you know what she did? She tore him apart!”
Leif blanched.
“That’s not all,” Hector declared, “because non-marriage isn’t possible either. She has to marry you, or something terrible will happen. She’ll keep transforming, and she’ll transform more often until she tracks you down, because if she doesn’t, something terrible will happen.”
Leif gulped. “What’s that?”
“We don’t know,” Hector admitted solemnly. “None of my ancestors dared to find out.”

“So I just walk up to him, say that I want a date, and then we sneak in here?”
“That’s right,” Rosalyn whispered, sitting in the bathroom stall. “The girls won’t suspect I’m here. That way you get some practice talking to boys, and I get to explain myself to Derek.”
“Well, okay…but he’s two years younger than I am? What will people think?”
“Becky, that’s the whole point! You’ll never get anywhere if you care about what other people think! Now bring Derek here!” Rosalyn shut the door. “Hurry!”
“Wait! I need you to hold my purse.”
“Why?” Rosalyn growled.
“I don’t want Derek to see it! What’s he going to think when I walk up to him with a bag full of crafts and stuff? He’ll think I’m a nerd!”
“Derek wouldn’t—never mind, just give it to me.”
Becky tossed the bag over the stall wall and hurried out the door. Rosalyn caught it upside down and the contents spilled onto the bathroom floor. “Damn it! What does she need such a huge purse for anyway?”
Rosalyn picked up a compact, key chains, and tampons: typical purse stuff. Surprisingly, she also found spare buttons, glitter, glue, drawing charcoal, and jewel-shaped beads. ‘She wasn’t kidding,’ Rosalyn snorted. ‘I don’t know what Derek would think if he saw all this junk. What else is in here?’
Rosalyn looked inside and found an address book studded with sequins, three dozen paper cranes folded out of candy wrappers, and a half-finished scarf, still connected to a ball of yarn. It was bright red, and barely a foot long. She pulled it out, careful not to touch the needles still stuck inside.
‘This is actually cool! It would be nice if I had something like this, like that old afghan I had when I was a kid.’ Rosalyn’s grandmother had made that for her, which brought up an interesting question. ‘Was grandma a cat-girl too?’ Rosalyn decided not to think about it.
‘How’d she do this?’ Rosalyn wondered. Knitting was a mystery to her; how could a pair of needles make all those weird patterns? She pulled the yarn, picking at the knots, and picking, and picking, and picking…
Dangling in front of her, the yarn was fascinating: so distracting that Rosalyn didn’t notice her cat ears growing back. The black, furry ears twitched as Rosalyn wrapped the loose yarn around her fingers, marveling at the way the scarf unraveled. ‘I’m all tangled! Nyan, I guess I’ll have to get out!’ The more her fingers got tangled together, the happier she grew. She was so excited that she didn’t notice her long, glossy tail sprouting out of her back, waving happily back and forth.
Suddenly she dropped the ball of yarn. “Get back here, nyan!” She pounced on it, mewing sweetly, sinking her claws into it, rolling back and forth like a kitten. “Nyan! I got you! No yarn shall escape Rosa-nyan! Now…the kill!” She hissed and sank her tiny fangs into the yarn ball. “Hee-hee! Om nom nom!”
Rosalyn’s legs stretched out behind her and her tight, round bottom rose high into the air.  For the second time in a day her panties tightened around her growing hips and dug into her crotch. Popping out of her undersized bra, Rosalyn’s breasts swung to and fro as she wrestled with her yarn. Rosalyn frolicked in her grown up body, tangling it in more and more yarn.
“Nyan, so tight…” she yawned. “I need to remember that the next time I see my Leifie! I’ll play with you soon, my darling.” Rosalyn lazily batted at a loose string. “Soon, nyan.”

“Oh…” Becky fretted. “I can’t believe I asked you out in front of all those girls!” She pulled Derek’s hand, leading him to Rosalyn. “They were all staring at me! They probably thought I was so gross! Does it seem gross to you, going out with a senior? I mean…ugh, I’m so embarrassed!”
“Excuse me,” Derek interrupted as Becky dragged him through the hall. “But is this going to be quick? I need to go to play rehearsal in ten minutes.”
Becky turned bright red. “Just follow me!”
“Look Becky,” Derek sighed. “I know you probably heard that someone cheated on me, but I’m trying to figure out some serious junk right now. I might be available if things go badly, but I’d at least like to straighten things out with Rosalyn. That’s the civilized thing to do.”
“Great, because I’m taking you to Rosalyn.”
“Really? Where is she?”
“In here.” Becky stopped outside the girls’ bathroom door. “Go ahead, she’s waiting.”
Derek blinked. “I can’t go in there! I’ll get in trouble.”
“It’s fine, I’m letting you.”
“But it’s not up to you. What if someone else walks in? What if there’s another girl in there and she screams? I won’t allow it!”
Becky shoved Derek through the door and right up to the bathroom stall. “Rosalyn, he’s here!” she declared proudly. “I did it! I did everything you asked. Please, please don’t make me do that again!”
Derek looked around nervously. “Rosalyn, I don’t know what’s going on, but can’t we discuss this somewhere else?”
Rosalyn sighed from within her bathroom stall. Becky and Derek waited uncomfortably for her response.
“Rosalyn,” Becky called. “Are you in there?”
“Of course, nyan!”
“Derek’s here. What did you want to say to him?”
“Nothing!” Rosalyn snapped. “Get out, nyan! I’m busy enjoying myself!”
Becky blushed, looking apologetically to Derek. “She’s very upset today. I think we should go.”
“I don’t,” Derek declared. He summoned up his courage, temporarily forgetting he was in the girls’ bathroom, and knocked on the stall door. “Rosalyn, you’ve got to tell me what’s going on. Who was that man yesterday?” No answer.
“Girls are following me around saying how sorry they are, making me look like a fool! Just tell me what’s going on.”
Becky spoke up.  “Rosalyn, maybe it would be better if I left—“
“Silence!” Rosalyn screeched, so loudly that Becky and Derek had to cover their ears. “Shut up already! You think I give a damn what you think?”
Becky gasped. “Rosalyn!”
“You wanted to learn how to talk to men? Pay attention, Becky. Derek Jones,” Rosalyn screeched. “You are an absolute bore. You think I care about your insignificant little musicals and plays? You’re nothing! Those harpies outside can have you. They can tear you apart for all I care, so leave me alone and don’t ever talk to me again, you stupid loser! Now, get out of the bathroom before I scream, pervert!”
Derek stood tall, showing no emotion. As he turned slowly towards the door, however, Becky saw his hands clench into trembling fists. He trudged out of the bathroom like his feet were made of lead; a tear dripping down his emotionless face before he meekly disappeared through the door.
“Ah,” Rosalyn sighed. “That felt good. Is he gone?”
“You…you…monster!” Becky trembled furiously. “How could you do that? You crushed him! You brought him all the way here just to…you used me!”
“Nyan, it was part of your lesson, or whatever. You can leave, nyan.” Rosalyn’s giggles echoed through the empty bathroom. “This yarn is fun, nyan!”
“I’m not leaving, you bitch!” Becky pushed open the stall door. “Who do you think…you…are?”
Rosalyn sat on the toilet, her cat ears twitching, her long tail waving, and her entire body tangled in yarn. “How dare you interrupt me, nyan?” She bared her long claws and stood up. “You’re going to pay—whoa!”
The yarn tripped her up before she could strike. Rosalyn rolled on the floor, shouting, “I’ll get you…for…hey, this is fun too!” She rolled around the bathroom floor, batting at loose strands of yarn and purring like a kitten.
Becky stepped back against the wall as Rosalyn stared up at her with her big green eyes. “By the way, thanks for the yarn, nyan!”
Suddenly the final bell rang. School was over, but Becky couldn’t move. Her eyes were fixed on Rosalyn, wiggling like a worm in her yarn prison. Rosalyn, however, knew just what to say. “Hey, school’s over!” she giggled. “Could you get me out of this yarn, nyan? I need to get going.”
“What are you?” Becky gasped.
“I’ll explain later, nyan, but only if you answer one question.”
“What is it?”
“Does your house have any tuna?”

Becky managed to sneak Rosalyn out of school by covering her ears with a newly knitted cap and wrapping a jacket around her waist to cover her tail. At her house, Becky distracted Rosalyn with some more yarn as she searched the kitchen for tuna.
“I didn’t have tuna,” she explained on her return, “But I did manage to scrounge up some sardines.”
Rosalyn’s green eyes sparkled as Becky revealing the tightly packed fish. “Ooo, thanks! It’s been such a long day, nyan.  I need this snack!”
Becky sat on her bed as watched Rosalyn eat. When she was done Rosalyn crawled up rubbed her head on Becky’s knee.
“You…y-you don’t need to do that.”
Rosalyn ignored her. “Nyaaa, so yummy! I like this house.”
“So, what are you?”
“I’m your friend now,” she purred. “You still want to learn about men, nyan?”
Becky perked up. “Yes! Will you help me get a date?”
“Sure, if you do one thing.” Rosalyn laid her head on Becky’s lap. “Scratch my ears, nyan.”
“Uh, okay…” Hesitantly, Becky scratched and was rewarded with a loud purr. Rosalyn closed her eyes and curled her lithe, grown-up body. “Rosa-nyan will help, nyan…”
“Uh, do you need to lie on my lap?”
“Less talking, more scratching!”
This story was commissioned by :icondanio13:, and is long overdue. Thanks for being awesome!

Rosalyn has a lot to deal with, but things are getting even worse. She turns into a cat-girl whenever she's near fish, she has to marry a man she doesn't like, and she has to convince her boyfriend that she's not cheating on him. Now a strange girl is begging her for help. "What am I supposed to do? How could this day get any worse?"

This story contains age progression and cat-girls. Sexy reading!
© 2013 - 2025 praedatorius
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danio13's avatar
Great work once again :D
Can't wait for next one :)