
De Draconibus

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The following is an excerpt from an Appendix on Dragon Breeds and Races, Dracology Handbook Year One, Llambed Academy of Mystic Arts.


Metallic (Ladon's Breed)

The Ladon's Breed is one of the oldest and most diverse breeds of dragons in the West. Bred first on Trinacria, they were the dragons of choice for the Roman Legions until the Sun Priests came to power and banished all dragons. Having escaped destruction of the Great Cull in select hidden pockets in the Alp valleys, their breeding was picked up after the Age of Unbridled Fire by the Midgardians and the Helvetii.
  • Savoy Bronze

Known for their speed and agility, the Bronzes bred in the highland of Savoy come from the eggs secured by the Helvetii and have served a great part in the Duchy's wars of independence. When Savoy was annexed into Breizh, the Bronzes became a desired choice for young aristocrats.
  • Black Forest Iron

A heavy-set, muscular breed, used primarily in timber industry, although almost replaced by Osning Forest Viridians
  • Mountain Silver "Wyrmkings"

A chosen breed for dragon-flying armies, the largest and strongest of all the western races. Addition of the Norse White blood made them violent and brutal, but also very powerful.
  • Imperial Gold

Only the royal families are allowed to ride the Imperial Golds. It is alleged that they are related to the dragons the Roman Emperors rode, but that is conjecture - in fact the breed is an effect of breeding the Mountain Silvers with Steppe Yellows.

Red (Y Ddraig Goch's Breed)

According to the legend, the Ddraig Goch's eggs have been found by Emrys Wledig under Arthur the Faer's last fortress during the Seaxe invasions. The ancestry of the Reds is unknown; it is suggested that they either have been domesticated in the Dragon Isles separately from the Roman efforts, or are related to ancient metallics.

There are few differences between various breeds of the Reds, coming mainly from geographical separation of the Hatcheries. The Crimsons and Scarlets are generally smaller and faster than the Rubies, and Ancient Reds are almost extinct today.
  • Ancient Red

  • Eryni Ruby

  • Kernow Crimson

  • Mon Scarlet

Green (Fafnir's Breed)

Midgard's main indigenous breed, the Greens are not as brutal as the Whites or as fast as the Swifts, but are known for their reliability and stamina.
  • Burgund Wurm

An early breed, presumably crossed with the Horse Lord Dragons during the invasions. Cheap and relatively easy to maintain, but goes feral quickly.
  • Osning Forest Viridian

Industrial breed, strong, heavy, calm all-rounder. Currently the most numerous of the Western races.
  • Olissipo Emerald extinct

The counts of Burgundy had brought Fafnir's breed with them to Lusitania, to carve out a piece of land for themselves. Unfortunately, almost all Emeralds have perished in the wars and what was left of their eggs was destroyed in the Great Earthquakes.

Blue (Cuelebre's Breed)

Little is known of Cuelebre's breed until after the cull. A few eggs have been salvaged from Vasconia to Dracaland and bred in the highland pastures of Alba, resulting in creation of the Azures - the first of the "King" races.
  • Pyreneean Sapphire

The only Blue to remain freely roaming on the Continent. A menace to farmers, but regarded with great esteem by the Vasconians, who do not try to tame or cull it.
  • Highland Azure Seakings

Before the advent of Mountain Silvers, the Highland Azures were the largest and strongest mounts in Dracaland army's employ. They are still preferred by some because they are cheaper to feed and maintain.
  • Highland Grey Shadowclouds

Bred exclusively in the Fortress of Shadows on the Isle of Scathach, the Shadowclouds are used for spying and reconnaissance. Their scales can change colour slightly to suit the sky, and instead of dragon fear they spread dragon glamour which makes the observer turn their eyes away and forget about the dragon.

Swamp - (Tarasque's Breed)

The Tarasques were Blue dragons brought to Provincia Nostra from the Pyrenees during the Age of Dragons. Following the rivers and marshes of Rhone and Rhein, they have eventually reached the Draca Lands. Resilient and fertile, the feral Tarasques soon spread throughout the land.
  • Fenland Celadon

Slim and serpentine, the Celadons are as fast on land as they are in the air.
  • Rhos Jade

Weak and small, bred as training and toy dragons for young riders.

(Emrys's breed)

White (Orm Nidhoggr's Breed)

Presumed to be remote descendants of the Echidna breed. The Seaxe and the Norsemen both rode Nidhoggr's Breed into their many successful invasions, unstoppable until encountering the Reds.

Having accompanied the Norsemen on their oceanic expeditions, these frost-breathers were among the first Western dragons to arrive in Tyr Gorllewin.
  • Niflheimr Arctic

  • Norse White

The oldest war breed still in active use. A staple of Dracaland land army.
  • Vannin Cyan

Cross between Norse Whites and Highland Azures
  • Snaeland Snow

Born on Snaeland, this stocky, fat breed is most popular in Gorllewin

Earthy (Zmey's Breed)

These stocky, heavy, slow dragons are kept by the Venedians in the lairs underneath their cities for defensive purposes. They are unique in that they are the only breeds able to blow both steam and flame - hence the ancient superstition that they have two heads.
  • Upland Brown

  • Giant Venedian

Ashen (Balaur's Breed)

The ancient Balaurids were one of the most heavily affected by the Sun Priests' cull. Only a few specimen survived to become ancestors of the current three yellow breeds. Now bred mostly for the rare colour of their scale.
  • Dacian Cinder extinct

  • Carpathian Vert

Swifts (Hleidra's Breed)

The Jutish Swifts came with the Jutish conquerors accompanying the Seaxe. Coming from the same stock as the beast slain by Beowulf, the dragons have long outlived their masters. Small, sleek and fast, they have become a mount of choice for smugglers as well as the law enforcement.
  • Jutish Swift

  • Purple Swift

Cross between Jutish Swift and Ancient Red, popularly used by town guards and as blockade runners.
  • Chalk Swift

Cross between Jutish Swift and Norse White, preferred by the smugglers

Yellow (Echidna's Breed)

Direct descendants of the Typhon, these breeds are as ancient as the metallic ones, and are said to have been cross-breeding with the Oriental dragons for generations.
  • Horse Lord Yellow

Brought into the West during the Barbarian Invasions, now a curiosity among collectors. More popular in the Eastern Steppes and in Varyaga.
  • Itil Zilant

A wild breed, roaming the flood plains along the Itil and other rivers of the Varyaga Khaganate. Almost impossible to tame, despite many efforts.
An excerpt on Dragon Breeds from Llambed Academy's First Year Handbook.

(from my "The Year of the Dragon" series)

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