Milk in the night timepowermilk on DeviantArt

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powermilk's avatar

Milk in the night time



I've chosen this oekaki as my Id cause it represents one of my favorite moments: me in the night, listening music and drawing. Just missing a mug of milk somewhere on the desk :)
This is also my first oekaki, I made quite a long time ago. Not too bad (better than others I made after that).
Image size
300x300px 110 KB
© 2005 - 2025 powermilk
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TyKayn's avatar
hoo moi pareil mais avec des ramens séchés et autres quality street... sauf que a un moment mon casque de DJ m'écrase les n'oreilles.
Quelle chance t'as une palette graphique toua! T_T
chui tro habitué a la souris o_o
et pi bo kaki welcoooome chez Jori \^0^/