As you all know that every easter I have been doing these Easter Bunny Girl Virus pics.
So this year start form when I post number 22 to 10/04/2024 there will be Easter Bunny Girl Virus Tag or E,B,G,V Tag for short.
I when you tagged, and after a quick look at my 22 Easter Bunny Girl Virus pics, draw a character getting infected by this virus or running away from someone who is infected.
Once you draw a pic you can then tag up to 4 people.
If you are tagged and you don't want to take part then it is fine. Just tag someone else.
So when I post Easter Bunny Girl Virus 22 I will tag 4 people to start it off. And this tagging will only last until 10/04/2024. So if you post a pic on the last day then don't tag anyone.
Have fun.