
Language of the Dinosauroids

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Complex communication - of abstract ideas, states of mind, etc, is one of the signifiers of advanced intelligences - and in the dinosauroids, or avisapiens, it is no different. Their languages are as much visual as verbal, and though the verbal aspects change from region to region, the visual language of the body is nearly universal (within species, that is - A. saurotheos and A. borealis, respectively). Avisapiens visual communication is a development of the ancestral proto-dinosauroid’s visual displays - of dominance, submission, play, fear - that became, over millennia, the cues and modifiers in much more complex communication.
For example, in A. Borealis, the elongated throat feathers play an essential role in language. When flared during the speaking of a name, the throat feathers connote dominance of the name-bearer. When held during speech, it changes what is being spoken to the imperative tense. A vibrating tail held low shows nervousness and submission - coupled with a bowed head and feathers held flat, it is the deepest expression of shame and defeat. There are more subtle signifiers, as well - the nictitating membrane over the eye is used to show everything from surprise to arousal, depending on the context.
A little blurb I plan to put alongside a more detailed illustration later. Thoughts? Additions? Ideas? Comments? Errors?
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archeoraptor38's avatar
ao you think body language would be universal in certain sophonts in which this is very important from their pre sapient ancestors?