The Vampira Show StampPostmorteum on DeviantArt

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The Vampira Show Stamp



Before Elvira, there was Vampira.

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The reason I made this is because a Vampira stamp does not exist on dA! How sad. So I made one.

"The Vampira Show" was a local Los Angeles TV Show on NBC in the 1950's which played marathons of B-rated horror films and Vampira (played by Malia Nurmi) was its host. She made ghoulish puns and had a pet talking spider named Rollo. It's my second favorite show after "The Twilight Zone."

After Vampira, there was Sinister Seymour, then Elvira (who replaced Seymour), and many others in Los Angeles as well as other cities like Chicago (e.g. Svengoolie).

"The Vampira Show", years: 1954 - 1955, host character: Vampira, host actress: Mali Nurmi

"Fright Night", years: 1970 - 1981, host character: Sinister Seymour, host actor: Larry Vincent

"Movie Macabre", years: 1981 - 1993, host character: Elvira, host actress: Cassandra Peterson

The common themes of all of the hosts tend to be gholish humor partnered with a Vampirish appearance all of which were based on the original, Vampira. The popularity of Elvira took off since the goth movement began right around the same time (1979) the show aired, whereas in the 1950's such a lifestyle was unheard of or unaccepted since it went against the norm. 
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