How to...find the widget codeposerfan on DeviantArt

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poserfan's avatar

How to...find the widget code



How to...find the widget code for profile Directories!!

This tutorial explains how to find the unique widget number for your profile directory so you can link to other widgets eg donation or poll widget on your profile.

I do not explain how to put a profile directory in a widget or how to make such a directory. I assume, you commisioned one and you just need to add the links.

So, in case you have any questions specific about your directory, please go and ask the creator for his/her assistance.

In need of a profile directory? You can commission me....

Profile Directory Layout/Com by poserfan
Image size
1227x2475px 566.57 KB
© 2014 - 2025 poserfan
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lilrebelart's avatar
How does this work for IOS and Mac?