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Feature : A Touch of Nature#33
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Feature : A Touch of Nature#32
Hello everyone!
I've not posted any journal for like a year. Sorry for being lazy. In the past year, I've been traveling a lot (that is another reason why I did not have time update a journal haha). Briefly, I have been to PATAGONIA!!! and also some other cool places within the US. I also have a big trip coming in two weeks. Guess what....:) I'm going to ICELAND for 11 days. Yeah I hope I can get some more days off but this is it. Also I have put some effort to chase Northern Lights because 2012-2014 supposes to be 11-year solar maximum. I went to Alaska twice trying to catch some. Unexpectedly, I got another shot from Glacier National Park
Feature : A Touch of Nature#31
First of all, I would like to say thank you to ~Shutter-Shooter ( for a 1-month subscription as a birthday gift :):):)
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And here is a feature of beautiful nature photos...
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Feature : A Touch of Nature#30
Hope it's not too late to....
Happy New Year 2012 everyone
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