HOMEpoprage on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/poprage/art/HOME-83716317poprage

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Daily Deviation

May 1, 2008
Home Sweet Home. HOME by =poprage
Featured by arhcamt
poprage's avatar




I don't know if the category is the right one. This is my 1st time in this field. Always trying new things with design.

Maybe 2 hours of discontinued work + 3 other hours of continuous work.

I asked my friends, What is home to you & what do you do at home??? Those were the answers.

Thank you Karim, Mohamad, Basim & Abood.

The red circle is the handle of the door.

Removed the title from the image.
Image size
600x600px 163.03 KB
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I have a website for homeless women. I would love to be able to use this image on one of the posts.