popnicute on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/popnicute/art/Oodles-of-Doodles-Silver-Heart-Pendant-Necklace-485158564popnicute

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Oodles of Doodles Silver Heart Pendant Necklace



OODLES OF DOODLES is Heart Pendant #55. Available at Popnicute.com :star:

It's been a while since I made these hearts. Dunno why I didn't make them more often. I think I should make one every month. Deal? :happybounce: 

It's my first completed all argentium silver piece in a long time. I almost forgot how fun was it to work with silver. It cuts like buttah! :heart:

It's a double sided pendant with a flower on one side and wings cut out on the other side Floating 

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Silver--Sky's avatar
This is absolutely gorgeous! I love labradorite and what you've done around the stone, and I would buy it if I had the money to spare. Completely in love with your design!