poojipoo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/poojipoo/art/Samus-Portrait-317783378poojipoo

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Samus Portrait



I've been wanting to work on another Samus fanart piece for a while, and finally found the time to whip something up!

When I played Metroid and Super Metroid, I always viewed Samus as a hardass. Someone with a no-BS, somewhat military-esque attitude. After the more recent titles in the series, I'm not sure Nintendo had that in mind for the character, but that's how I always viewed her growing up, and how I kinda wanted to portray her in this image.

Now I need to run through Super Metroid again.
Image size
1068x2074px 359.94 KB
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really damn good thoe i think the face is a bit to round but beyond that AMAZING work