Pony-Berserker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pony-berserker/art/Um-it-went-exactly-as-I-wanted-it-to-go-446466977Pony-Berserker

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Pony-Berserker's avatar

Um, it went exactly as I wanted it to go...



A picture commissioned by :iconlastoftheknights:, who wanted a picture of his OC named Dark Light performing a magic trick, and she since is supposed to be a bad magician (it's an earth pony after all), I chose the dark side of things :P

Four Devoured Birds by Pony-Berserker - another of my pictures where one or more birds meet their inevitable fate.

MLP belongs to Hasbro. Dark Light belongs to Lastoftheknights Art is mine.
10/11-04-2014 EQD Drawfriend Stuff
Image size
2342x1560px 2.43 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Pony-Berserker
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MoonFlowerSax's avatar
No no, he's not dead, he's resting! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, beautiful plumage, isn't it?