Pony-Berserker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pony-berserker/art/Send-In-The-Wolf-685228328Pony-Berserker

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Send In The Wolf



I think it counts as my first tutorial? And it might be my dumbest comic ever.

story written by me and Middy, art by me.

If you translate or repost this comic, please do it outside of DA. Thanks! MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro. OC's belong to their respective owners

Do you like my comics? Do you want to support me and help me continue my work? Consider joining my  .:Bullet:. Patreon by FreakyEd Patreon - go here!. Every little bit counts! If that's too much, you can at least give me a DA watch - that counts as supporting too (moral support is important)!
Image size
988x4658px 1.8 MB
© 2017 - 2024 Pony-Berserker
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strongbad-joe132's avatar
Wait. Did you actually kill Trenderhoof?