Dynamite Finds TNTPony-Berserker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pony-berserker/art/Dynamite-Finds-TNT-423544576Pony-Berserker

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Dynamite Finds TNT



A commish for :iconjaygazer: He wanted a picture of his OC Dynamite Rave. Since his description told me his talent is "saving lives", I thought I could draw him during a (dangerous) adventure, on his way to save somepony. Will he succeed? What could possibly go wrong during the meeting with Pinkie plushie full of TNT, toxic waste and spilled gasoline? Probably nothing worse than a singed mane and coat. It's a cartoon after all.
Oh, and Twicane meme.

MLP belongs to Hasbro | Dynamite Rave belongs to ~jaygazer | Art - mine
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3072x1824px 6.67 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Pony-Berserker
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MoonFlowerSax's avatar
Even more than singed hair.
The toxic waste will surely poison/contaminate him and he will probably be sick and puke like the ponies who ate "baked bads" - but more than only one day. :puke: :dead:

Considering the torch being above the fluid - no need for a spark to fall - might ignite due to the vapours.

Also it's bothersome that the bomb says "TOCK!" twice in a row. :D