Poninnahka on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/poninnahka/art/WIP-Comparison-shot-295064681Poninnahka

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WIP Comparison shot



A bit of an update, male ponies and female ponies comparison shot.

I've been changing the proportions lately, made the body more bulky, longer , shoulders wider and legs a tad longer. It's not much, but should give some variety. Had to use the standing pose -tool to get them all stand in the same position for comparison, but they all can be posed without problems.

Pegasus wings are now properly body grouped, you can change both wings individually (one wing spread and one wing closed) and all variations are separately posable.

Plus, the blue unicorn in the middle is Twilight's dad, Crescent Sparkle / Night Light / whatever you want to call him. I'm not satisfied with the hair yet, but it's a start...

The pack is coming together, but still a lot work remains...
Image size
1920x1200px 1.17 MB
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FYI Twilights dad is Nightlight and her mom is Twilight Velvet  CANNON TO THE SHOW