Pony Overhaul: Females ReleasePoninnahka on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/poninnahka/art/Pony-Overhaul-Females-Release-357693278Poninnahka

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Pony Overhaul: Females Release



First off, huge thanks for :iconata64: for the release picture.

Now, needless to say that this pack took quite a while to make. I think I started over nine months ago and started working on it actively maybe six months ago. Now, after all the teasing, mental breakdowns and butthurt, I can pretty safely call it done.

So, for those who don't know what's so special here: Basically this is the V1 pony models with several improvements for posing and animating abilities and show accuracy. There are also plenty of new characters that were basically made from scratch. The pack includes (the pack where the model can be found is inside the brackets) :
- Aloe Blossom (background 2)
- Applejack (mane6)
- Berry Punch (background 2)
- Bon Bon (background 1)
- Carrot Top (background 2)
- Cheerilee (background 2)
- Cloudchaser (background 1)
- Derpy Hooves (mane6)
- Flitter (background 1)
- Fluttershy (mane6)
- Future Twilight (background 1)
- Lighting Dust (background 1)
- Lotus Blossom (background 2)
- Lyra (background 1)
- Nurse Redheart (background 2)
- Octavia (background 2)
- Pinkamena (background 1)
- Pinkie Pie (mane6)
- Rainbow Dash (mane6)
- Rarity (mane6)
- Spitfire (background 1)
- Twilight alicorn (background 1)
- Twilight Sparkle (mane6)
- Trixie (background 2)
- Vinyl Scratch (background 2)
Full info here: poninnahka.deviantart.com/art/…
Warning: The jigglebones have a tendency to freak out by sudden movements, nothing I can do about it without removing the jiggles since the bug is in the engine. I suggest avoiding really sudden movements in your animations, or moving the jiggles manually if you need to make fast animations.

Props, characters and SFM scripts in one pack: mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?lnxc22kgzdw…
Mane6: mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?k65ho2vl5hj… , workshop: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles…
Background pack 1: mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?8v4d2s32x5o… , workshop: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles…
Background pack 2: mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?sr9obj522rj… , workshop: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles…
SFM scripts: mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?8i10clzz5u9…

Bonemergeable pony props: poninnahka.deviantart.com/art/…

Chiramii-chan's show accurate eyes -mod:
previews: cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/884… cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/8… cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/8…
mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?b309oe3860b…

Yukitoshii's V3 shading -mod:
comparison to V1, right one has V3 shading and show accurate eyes: img4.fotos-hochladen.net/uploa…
mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?d1bk5mpmh5n…

Ponyville -map converted for SFM: ata64.deviantart.com/art/Dm-Po…

How to install to SFM: Just watch The4thaggie's video, it'll explain everything you need to know: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUP1gg…

How to install to Gmod: Drop the mlp_overhaul -folder with its contents into your addons -folder, which is in garrysmod -folder. Then install Legacy Addon Browser ( steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles… ) from the workshop and start the game. They should show up in the menu under legacy addons. You can also just download the models from the workshop.

Poninnahka : Model Designer/Rigger, Head of Project
Chiramii-chan : Model Designer
Yukitoshii: Phoneme Designer/Preview Animations
CobbaltCO : Model Resources/Designer
KP-ShadowSquirrel : Original Model Maker
oogaboogaman : Original Model Importer for Source Engine
MrMentleman: Ponyville Map Author/Creator
ata64 : Ponyville Map Editor/Converter
Cutiemarks were found from MLP wiki and DeviantArt and the credits go to the vector artists.

Official testing team:

Might have missed something, will fix in that case. More links will come once I get them up.

EDIT: Ok, Workshopper is giving me the finger, so I can't get everything uploaded today. Rest of the links should follow tomorrow.

EDIT2: the rest of the links are now up, Workshop didn't want to work correctly so Astrix had to upload a couple of packs. Also updated the pic with ata64's newer one.
Image size
1920x1580px 1.41 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Poninnahka
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DiscordAnon's avatar

If anyone is confused, I found a guide! Importing scripts and .dmx's! :: Source Filmmaker General Discussions (steamcommunity.com)

Just follow these coordinates:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\workshop

For Scripts:


You call them by right clicking on the model you want to apply them to in the animation set editor. Click "Rig". Then select the PY you are trying to install.

For Models and Materials






but it literally does not matter where it is, just so long you can remember where you put it. I'd recommend shoving it in the same place as the Rig.

"To activate a DMX animation you right click the model you want to apply the DMX to in the animation set editor, select Import, then animation. This will launch a file browser window, point the browser to the folder and then the dmx file with the animation you want apply." - Pte Jack