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Overhaul Pony Source Files



Couldn't come up with a good release pic, so this'll have to do.

So, here are the source files people have been asking. It includes both male and female sources, and they are mostly compatible with each other. You can compile female models with male manes and tails, or male mane6 and attach props on them as bodygroups. There are four types of wings, three of them having more bones for smoother animations. Basically you can compile your OC's with the same features the overhaul has.

However, since I haven't updated the males yet, there are a few exceptions for what you can do. The males cannot have long tails, meaning that Fluttersy's, Rarity's and Octavia's tails are out of the question due to not having correct physics or ragdoll sequence for them. I noticed after uploading that Braeburn's physics are missing, so Braeburn's hairstyle is unfortunately out of the question for females. For males, I think you can use the original male source files for Braeburn's style. The male QC's are outdated, so you need to fix the file paths inside them to make them work again.

Also, I got lazy and didn't get to make a template QC this time. My advice is to use the template from the male sources and update that with the new stuff in female QC's, or just copy one of the female QC's and edit that. The main differences are the addition of jigglebones and $jointskip -commands for removing unnecessary physics, so you should be ok. The pony compiling tutorial should still be useful.

Oh and one more thing. If your QC has a command "$zbrush", GET RID OF IT! It was an experiment of mine, was left in male sources as a leftover and I recently found out that it's most likely the reason for some model corrupting bugs in Gmod and SFM. You don't want it in your QC.

mediafire: www.mediafire.com/?vpu8dr68344…

The pony compiling tutorial, you might find some useful tips there: poninnahka.deviantart.com/art/…

If you get stuck, just ask, but make sure you've done some research before you do. You have no idea how often I get asked for advice and the problem turns out to be a missing bracket in the QC :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, one more thing. I accidentally included the old physics for long tailed females, phymodel_female_long_tail.smd. That one is outdated but works, but still I recommend using phymodel_female_long_tail_test.smd instead.
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AquawarriorArtist's avatar

where do i find materials for the bat wings? like texture?