Male pony pack releasePoninnahka on DeviantArt

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Male pony pack release



Due to the models being old and buggy, this pack is no longer available.

First things first, thanks for Chiramii-chan for the release picture! I know I wouldn't have been able to make something like that...

4th of March, I downloaded the male base model .obj f1r3w4rr10r made. Now I can pretty safely say that the male pack is done.

These models are custom made using the base male mesh and random parts from the original Gmod ponies. They are bigger and bulkier compared to females, have improved physics, custom made faceposing and earposing using bones instead of flexes. All manes and tails were made from scratch, skeleton was modified and textures optimized. Polycount is around 30000 triangles average, which is pretty much the same as the old ponies without outline meshes. So, this might be a bit heavy for some systems, but at least it works for most people.

The pack includes:
- Braeburn
- Caramel as earth pony and pegasus
- Doctor Whooves as earth pony and pegasus
- Nightlight
- Noteworthy as earth pony and pegasus
- Pokey Pierce
- Thunderlane
- Braeburn's hat and a white scarf as props

Ears are posable using the ragdoll mover -tool, or Gmod 13's bone manipulator. Get ragdoll mover here:…
and the patch for it is required:…

Skin- and bodygroup data is in the readme, so please read it.
Source files will be released later, I just need to sort some stuff out and write some sort of tutorial about how to compile models using these source files.

Get the pack here: No Link available due to the models being buggy and broken.
Soarin' was also updated, check the wonderbolt -pack to get him and the new goggles:

Have fun, and please report any serious bugs and defects as soon as possible so I can try to fix them.

KP-ShadowSquirrel - original ponies
oogaboogaman - original port to Gmod
f1r3w4rr10r - original base male pony, suggestions
Nahka - porting, custom meshes, custom textures, edits, physics etc.
Illu-Mint - original Wonderbolt suit texture
Chiramii-chan - scarf, suggestions, testing, finding / creating cutiemarks
Yukitoshii - testing, suggestions
el-tigre-fan-club - testing
DaClassicDude - testing
OzSnip3r - testing
MarineACU - skinning/general testing
DoctorWhooves - testing

Let me know if I forgot someone...

Cutiemarks were not made by me, most of them can be found from DA, some of them are from MLP wiki.

PS: Just a heads up, MarineACU and Chiramii-chan are creating the male background characters, so no need to bother if you were planning to do it.
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2296x1144px 1.07 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Poninnahka
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GlacierFrostclaw's avatar
permission to import their manes and tails into my Fallout 4 mane and tail addon for Crimes Against Nature? asked a guy that did the enhanced male pack and he said to ask you about that.