Would like to interact with the chat again. Miss interacting with the chat and streamer on stream. Please consider unbanning me from your twitch chat, so that I can interact with you and your chat.
aaaa i love your art style sooo much!! <3
what do you use to make your pixels?
Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much for the watch! ;; I appreciate it a ton! I didn't know you had dA, watching back cause I love your art so much!
ahh no prob, saw you in the livestream and your art is cute.
Da is where i started but now i hardly use it ;; the change isnt my cup of tea
Oh I see, surprised I never noticed in the livestream cause I was busy. I followed you on insta cause that was the only site I knew you were on.
The changes are too much honestly. :'c it's making a bit complicated as it already is with the notifications.