I accept commissions!!!
poldallelovesnare.deviantart.c… And I also have a Zazzle.com store:
Val Barry/Poldalle Lovesnare
writer 5/artist 5/storyteller 10
Strength 10 +0
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 10 +0
Intelligence 13 +1
Wisdom 14 +2
Charisma 15 +2
Current Residence: The never-ending realms of my imagination
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small
Print preference: 8x10 or smaller, photo prints...aka the cheaper priced stuff?
Favourite genre of music: pop? I guess?
Favourite photographer: aquapell & vampdrgn3
Favourite style of art: my friends' styles, though I may be a little biased ;P
Operating System: my brain, on occassion and with luck ;P
MP3 player of choice: windows media player on my comp << >>
Wallpaper of choice: something fantasy
Favourite cartoon character: Storm from Xmen? maybe?
Personal Quote: If you can't amaze them, amuse them into submission.