PokochoMMD's avatar


Moved to @Venusloid
34 Watchers0 Deviations
  • Jan 9
  • Deviant for 10 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (45)
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FREE DIVIDER: Pastel Dots by Crystal-Moore FREE DIVIDER: Pastel Dots by Crystal-Moore FREE DIVIDER: Pastel Dots by Crystal-Moore FREE DIVIDER: Pastel Dots by Crystal-Moore FREE DIVIDER: Pastel Dots by Crystal-Moore

I MOVE TO Venusloid

Floating Kawaii Hearts and Stars Divider by Pastel-BunBun Floating Kawaii Hearts and Stars Divider by Pastel-BunBun Floating Kawaii Hearts and Stars Divider by Pastel-BunBun
Channel : www.youtube.com/channel/UClHo8...

I MOVE TO Venusloid

MMD Hitus Stamp! by shanaachan Vocaloid stamp by DS-DNAUntitled by I Love Vocaloid Stamp by King-BlockMayus

Levi stamp by Superpluplush Heichou stamp by DorothyBomeraang SNK - Stamp by StampsFAUntitled by Me!Me!Me! Stamp by HanniBuns

Gasai Yuno Stamp by CrazeehDina Stamp Mirai Nikki by MisakiAmour Tokyo Ghoul Stamp 2 by Knightwalker08Untitled by Always tired... by prosaix

Yokune Ruko - Stamp by aries95a Momone Momo Stamp by Disco-Bunny Sukone Tei Stamp by Darkest-OfTimes Ritsu Namine Stamp by Nozuki Lights by vasselli

It's Okay To Say Kawaii Stamp by Tinkalila I Support Japan Stamp by Tinkalila Stamp | Kawaii by CuteSight Stamp | Dreamer by CuteSight Please Dont Stop The Music by ladieoffical

Kill La Kill Stamp by MeepNyan Mako Mankanshoku, Stamp by HarukotheHedgehog Matoi Ryuko! by YukimeStamps mako machine gun stamp by kawaiicunt-stampsUntitled by

PSG Gaga stamp by xselfdestructive Cute Pokemon Stamp by morfachasUntitled by Skrillex by foreverastone Electronic Music Stamp by xXCougarXx

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  |  / | / WAT.

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Read this. - I know that I was inactive, I had some problems and I could not use the MMD. I thought delete my account... - I  change my account to @Venusloid Bc I want to start again but with a different username. - I will upload pictures and more pictures with MMD. - So plz, if you´re my watcher...¿Can you follow me in @Venusloid ? I'm gonna delete this account. - Thanks,love you.
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sorry for the inactivity :`v
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0 min read
Tagged by @melissammeli  Rules : -Answer the 13 questions that the person who tagged you asks you to answer and then write down 13 questions that you wanna ask the people that you tag. -You shall tag 13 others. -Don't answer in the comments...make a journal yourself. -If you don't finish this in a week you have to do something the tagger asks you to do @melissammeli ´s questions: 1.What do you think about this emotiocon  ? :'D 2. What is your reaction in hearing this  Song ? 3. What is your reaction to this Second  Song ? 4. React to this  Video   5. Favorite VOCALOID,UTAU,...? 6. Who is your senpai?? (If you have one) 7. Show me your fa...
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Profile Comments 40

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Duuude long time no see >< sorry I dont active in here for a long time
thanks for the watch and the fave! Happy Birthday to U!!! (*^▽^*)
Happy birthday!!! <3
Happy Birthday !Fun cake Blower fella (Party) KimRaiFan's Bday Cake
You're welcome. :hugs:  Little Pixel Heart