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Poltergeist Cat Blues



Uploaded: 10/02/2023

New version of Blues from my Mimic Reloaded series! His old Reloaded design was good, but I decided it could be better, and it very much is. I also included a drawing of him from the back so you can see how his hair works and how his tail is positioned.

Also, furry paw-hands and digitigrade feet! Yes, he has paw pads on both. Toe-beans are a must for cats, I don’t know why I didn’t give them to him before.

The claws on his hands are retractable, but the ones on his feet are not. His armour is ridiculously fluffy too, and his tail is just basically a long thing of fluff. The eyes are hidden by his sunglasses, but due to the cat ears (and some complicated stuff involving the Poltergeist), he can’t wear his helmet anymore.

You can see a fang poking out of his mouth, too - his teeth are needle-sharp and he can totally tear someone apart with them. Why yes, I’m going to enjoy writing that happening, why do you ask?

As for the eyes . . . the top pair is him normally, while the bottom pair are for when the Poltergeist has taken control. If anyone’s ever watched The Owl House, you might know what the inspiration for this is.

Here’s a link to the Mimic Reloaded series, if you’re interested: archiveofourown.org/works/4170…

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EnzanFangirl's avatar

I have a very important question to ask. Does Blues go nuts for laser pointers and chase the dot around?