What's In Store

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PokePalace's avatar
Don't panic it's me, Kimi lmfao.

So it seems there's still enough interest in the Pokepalace concept to give it another go. This journal is really my thoughts on how I've thought of going about the revamp, and how I think this might ultimately end up being.

The truth is: life has gone on, things have happened and I'm definitely the wiser for it. In the end, I would like Pokepalace to be a place where people come to have fun, and I would like to be here to experience them. Though I personally have become much busier, it has furthered the decision that the world of PP will be up to the members to establish and create - something that should have been done from the beginning. Though I will still be helping to shape it, a good majority will be your own ideas.

What I ask in return, for the exchange of making your world, is allowing me to destroy it from time to time 8D. War, famine, civil wars - I am more than happy to provide events that pertain to these. Of course, they won't all be bad, and the members are more than welcome to come conspire with me about events as well. Just...some events you won't know about in advance LMAO. I've always loved suspense, as you well know, and would love to see what you all did with the ideas.

Also it's like 5am in the morning and my mind is legit spitting out whatever right now, sorry if this is incoherent.

Tl;dr - You, the player, will be free to make a world within the theme of medieval fantasy. Many of you were in PP before - so most will know to look for, and that god modding and mary sues/gary stus are infuriatingly dull and bleh. I trust you all to decide what makes your world fun :P

That being said, it'd be good to make all the thoughts you might have coherent and orderly. I have provided a room in which you may all be able to do this: chat.deviantart.com/chat/Pokep…

If one of you would be so kind to make a document that neatly tells me what it is you all want, I'd be more than happy to make a pretty journal for it. I will do my best to be present for most of the planning as well :D
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ikarus-exe's avatar
Kimi seems to have agreed the group should be good to go sometime mid-December, so hold on to your butts! We've been putting documents together to try and solidify where to go with the backstory to transition from PP 1.0 to the setting of 2.0, so perhaps we should put a journal together with info on what we've cobbled together from everyone's suggestions and some polls so we can see what everyone thinks?